Sunday, August 29, 2010

Paris Hilton was busted for cocaine on the Las Vegas strip late Friday night

Paris Hilton was busted for cocaine on the Las Vegas strip late Friday night when she reached into her purse for some makeup and drugs tumbled out in front of cops, authorities said.
Hilton and boyfriend Cy Waits were driving near the Wynn Hotel when a motorcycle cop "followed the vapor trail and the odor of marijuana" coming from a Cadillac Escalade, police said.
The officer pulled them over and arrested Waits for driving under the influence, cops said. A crowd formed around the stars on the busy Las Vegas strip and Hilton asked to go in the Wynn for privacy.
While inside, "Miss Hilton pulled out a tube of lip balm," said police Sgt. John Sheahan. "At the same time ... a bindle of cocaine in a plastic bag came out of her purse."
Hilton was arrested for felony drug possession. She and Waits were booked at Clark County jail around 2 a.m., police said.
Hilton was released less than an hour later. Waits, 37, posted $2,000 bail and was released in the afternoon.
Hilton hired hifalutin Vegas lawyer David Chesnoff, who said he is still gathering facts about the cocaine arrest.
"But I caution people not to rush to judgment," he said.
Waits' lawyer, Richard Schonfeld, said he was "troubled by the circumstances" leading to the arrest.
"As the case proceeds, a lot of facts are going to come to light that will ultimately lead to exoneration," Schonfeld said.
Hilton wasted no time returning to her Twitter page, where she informed fans around 6 a.m. that she was "In bed watching 'Family Guy'."
"Love this show! So hilarious! Stewie is my favorite :) love his accent," she wrote, mentioning a character on the animated program.
"Going to bed. Sweet dreams everyone. Xoxo Paris :)" she tweeted about an hour later.
Last week, Waits pulled a gun on an armed intruder at Hilton's Los Angeles home. He forced the knife-toting trespasser to drop his weapons and lay down on his stomach until police arrived.
"So Scary, just got woken up to a guy trying to break into my house holding 2 big knifes," the hotel heiress wrote under a photo of the suspect cuffed on her lawn.

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