Friday, August 27, 2010

Drunk couple caught Fu%$ in public.

It’s 4:30 in the morning and you are awakened by screams and loud groans. Immediately you think someone is being hurt outside of your home. Other neighbors also thought a crime was being committed outside their homes. You dial 911; the police arrive and do not find what you had expected. Instead of someone being hurt outside of your house they find an 18 year old intoxicated couple having sex in the street just outside your window according to the Austrian Times. The Young intoxicated couple was arrested for early morning love making romp on the street.
 The police originally were only going to give the young couple a warning but the alcohol impaired the couple’s judgment and they began attacking the officers so they were held for 24 hours. No word yet on what charges if any has been filed.
 According to a recent study, Australian Sex Census, which surveyed almost 10,000 women and men, has revealed almost every second person in the Northern Territory enjoys having sex in public – from beaches to bathrooms, offices to nightclubs.
 Another 19 percent admitted they had not tried a public fling yet but “would like to”.
Seems today people are less shy about making a public display. This new found form of exhibition isn’t limited to Australia; in fact it looks as though it is becoming a global epidemic. Here are some recent photos from Europe as well. Seems today many feel it is ok to engage in love making when ever the mood strikes.

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