Tuesday, August 24, 2010


A toothache is no fun at all and most people call their dentists right away. However, if you experience a toothache and can’t reach a dentist, it is after hours, or you simply can’t afford it, then you will want to know how to stop a toothache. Fortunately, stopping a toothache is not impossible and many times it is something you can do with the ingredients you have on hand.
When you have a toothache it could be because any number of things. For example, you could have a cavity or an abscess. You could have some food caught in your teeth or you may have been hit or in an accident. You could even have a toothache from a sinus infection. There are many other things that might cause a toothache, too, so there is no way to know for sure without seeing a dentist. However, you can stop the pain of your toothache before you visit the dentist and this is highly recommended for your personal comfort.
The first suggestion is to rinse with lukewarm water. Make sure you really rinse your mouth well so that if there is any trapped food it will be shaken loose by the mouth rinse. Many times this will work well enough to ease the toothache before you visit the dentist.
Another option to try is flossing. Many times you will be able to floss and remove any food that may be stuck in your teeth causing problems. Your gums will probably be pretty sensitive so take it slow and easy.
If you are experiencing severe pain a good solution is to take a swig of whiskey and let the tooth soak in the alcohol for a few minutes. After a couple minutes spit out the excess whiskey and enjoy a numbed tooth and less pain!
Salt water also does a pretty good job. Take a regular eight ounce glass of water and add one teaspoon of salt. Then, gargle, swirl, and basically swish for a few minutes. Spit it out and you will experience less pain.
You may want to try a cold hand massage to reduce the pain, too. Simply take an ice cube and massage it into the v shaped section between your forefinger and thumb. Do this for about five minutes and you will notice your pain diminishes significantly. This is because rubbing your hand uses the same nerve pathways your toothache does. If you are giving yourself a hand massage then these signals will outweigh the pain signals and you will be able to avoid the pain for a little while.
Remember not to bite when you have a toothache. Many times not using the tooth will allow it to heal quietly and return to normal.
You can also use ice to suck on several times a day. If you act like your toothache is a bruise then you will be able to relieve the pain somewhat. Just put some ice in the cheek where the affected tooth is. Leave it there until it melts and repeat every few hours.
If cold air is affecting your tooth and giving you a toothache then just keep your mouth closed. It really isn’t that difficult so do your best to keep your mouth shut and avoid letting cold air get in your mouth.
Make sure you swallow any aspirin you take. Don’t place it on your tooth because you could get an aspirin burn.
Use these methods to help you cure a toothache. It should relieve the pain enough to get you through the time before you dental appointment.

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