Thursday, August 26, 2010

A live tiger cub was found drugged and hidden among stuffed-tiger
 toys in the luggage of a woman at Bangkok's airport, a wildlife
 smuggling watchdog group reported Thursday.
The Thai woman, whose name was not released, was trying to 
board a flight to Iran on Sunday when she had trouble checking
 in her oversized bag, the monitoring network TRAFFIC said in a statement.
Airport staff "suspected something amiss when they scanned the bag 
and X-ray images showed an item resembling a real cat," the group stated.
Thai officials are investigating whether the two-month-old cub was caught in
 the wild or bred in captivity, as well as where it came from and the suspect's
 intended final destination. Tiger populations throughout Asia "are critically
 threatened by poaching and trade to meet the international demand for tiger 
parts, products and, as illustrated in this case, live tigers," said TRAFFIC, 
some of whose funds come from governments around the world.
Chris Shepherd, TRAFFIC Southeast Asia’s deputy regional director, 
praised various Thai and U.S. agencies for working to clamp down on 
wildlife smuggling. but added: "If people are trying to smuggle live tigers 
in their check-in luggage, they obviously think wildlife smuggling is 
something easy to get away with and do not fear reprimand. "Only sustained pressure
 on wildlife traffickers and serious penalties can change that," he added.

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